Slimes and Sludges, copper-lead ore roasting off gas scrubbing, arsenic-contg. The product obtained by the purification of copper-lead ore concentrate roasting offgas. Composed primarily of arsenic oxide (As2O3). Risico's van Stoffen
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Geprint op: 14-9-2024 om: 00:07
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Slimes and Sludges, copper-lead ore roasting off gas scrubbing, arsenic-contg. The product obtained by the purification of copper-lead ore concentrate roasting offgas. Composed primarily of arsenic oxide (As2O3).
- CAS-nummer
- 102110-62-3
- EG-nummer
- 310-063-9
- Engelse naam
- Slimes and Sludges, copper-lead ore roasting off gas scrubbing, arsenic-contg. The product obtained by the purification of copper-lead ore concentrate roasting offgas. Composed primarily of arsenic oxide (As2O3).
- Functionele stofgroepen
- Lijst ZZS
- Lijst Autorisaties en restricties
- Lijst Stofklassen voor luchtemissies
- Chemische stofgroep
- ZZS arseen en arseenverbindingen
- Emissiegegevens ZZS-Navigator
- Naar lucht
- Naar water
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Geprint op: 14-9-2024 om: 00:07
Controleer de actualiteit van deze gegevens op:
Slimes and Sludges, copper-lead ore roasting off gas scrubbing, arsenic-contg. The product obtained by the purification of copper-lead ore concentrate roasting offgas. Composed primarily of arsenic oxide (As2O3).
(102110-62-3) |
Op ZZS lijst vanwege REACH Restricties | |
Datum toevoeging |
Stofklassen voor luchtemissies
Slimes and Sludges, copper-lead ore roasting off gas scrubbing, arsenic-contg. The product obtained by the purification of copper-lead ore concentrate roasting offgas. Composed primarily of arsenic oxide (As2O3).
(102110-62-3) |
Stofklasse voor luchtemissies | |
Emissiegrenswaarde |
0,05 mg/Nm3
Autorisaties en restricties
Slimes and Sludges, copper-lead ore roasting off gas scrubbing, arsenic-contg. The product obtained by the purification of copper-lead ore concentrate roasting offgas. Composed primarily of arsenic oxide (As2O3).
(102110-62-3) |
Specifieke naam op REACH bijlage XVII |
Beperkingsvoorwaarden volgens restrictie 19 |
Toelichtende voetnoot
Toelichtende voetnoten
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Geprint op: 14-9-2024 om: 00:07
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Geprint op: 14-9-2024 om: 00:07
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